Saturday, 25 February 2012

Analysis of music magazine pictures 2

This action shot is a good picture. I believe that it creates a  good sense of the genre, through the use of the props and the artist's reactions. Again, the artist is looking away from the camera showing further evidence of his rappers attitude. This medium shot is key as it shows the props the artist is wearing and it also shows the artist whilst in action. Overall, I believe that this picture would look good on the contents page, as it is one of the pictures that would represent whats in the magazine. However, saying this, I believe it would also look good on the double page spread.

Again, this is another picture that I like. I feel that it shows a more relaxed attitude from the artist, which I guess would look alright in a hip hop magazine. It is a medium shot yet again, so it is following the main conventions. The only problem I can see is that, it doesn't really look like a front cover picture for the magazine. Furthermore, it doesn't look like a picture for a double-paged spread either. However, I could see a relaxed picture like this one as such on a contents page.

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