Thursday, 2 February 2012

Conventions of a music magazine contents page.

The contents page is very simple and clear as they placed the text on one side only. As you can see the letter "V" which stands for VIBE title is placed behind the contents title so that the page can still be recognised by the reader. The use of typography for the title 'Contents' is very sophisticated as it is in block capital letters, it is also in black which draws attention to the page.The darkness helps create a mysterious atmosphere behind the magazine. It draws the readers in. They use this fragmented style throughout every issue in their magazines, in order to ensure they keep up the good work and keep attracting potential readers. The model gives a natural, ghetto style which provides an urban feel, linking to the genre of the magazine. A random woman hand comes out behind his back which suggests that every girl/woman adores him as the woman touches the heart broche. The heart is left red so that it stands out on the page. The image is in black and white so that the house style stays the same. The picture is in a medium shot which shows the artist in detail and the hand coming round his back. Furthermore, the shot is in a low angle shot, conveying the atists dominance in this picture.

For my contents page, I am considering following this sort of house style and ensuring the contents page stands out, ensuring it is easy on the eye and attracts further readers. Also, the picture is very sophisticated as it links in well with the urban style genre, conveying that the conventions of the magazine are linking into the genre. This is another thing I am considering to put in my Music magazine.

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